A downloadable playtest kit

One fateful night, the sky itself shattered. 

Among the shards that rained down on the Earth were artefacts of unimaginable cosmic power, soon followed by the alien vermin that fed on them. These creatures vanished as quickly as they arrived, taking the forms of Earth’s vehicles and machines.

They did not know it then, but the destinies of those few humans who witnessed this SUNDERING had just become eternally intertwined with those of the BATTLEFORGED- alien titans of steel and wrath beholden to enigmatic oaths. Many soon came to destroy us.

A vanishing few came to protect us.

What is this?

BATTLEFORGED ROBOTS from ACROSS the SUNDERED SKY is an RPG created for the 2021 one-page RPG jam. It is also a love letter to  explosions, convertible action figures, and my childhood. Please note that this is early playtest material, and may change considerably between now and when it has become a finished product.


  • A one-page ruleset prioritising explosive action and gritty heroics!
  • Cinematic gameplay that empowers players to become both destructive metal titans and the heroic humans at their feet.
  • A booklet for randomly generating alien robot protagonists.

If you're interested in keeping up-to-date with this project, consider following me on Twitter! I'd love to hear from you!


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Hey, saw you submitted this to my game jam, but this is invalid on accounts of I believe rule #4. How long has it taken you to make this? 

Oh yeah, sorry. You might be right.

It took me aages to make (because, like most of my projects, I worked on it on and off), but a LOT of work on it was done in a mad crunch in the few days before I published it. I guess it really depends on what you consider to be a 'majority' (based on the types of work that has gone into it).


maybe it’s just because I love sci fi too much but I’m so psyched for this!!